A new paper by Zhang et al 2015 'Poverty alleviation strategies in eastern China leads to critical ecological dynamics' shows how complex science theories can be applied to study the social-ecological dynamics of a specific region. Open access to online version [|http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969714015575]
Posted 24/11/2014 06:34
Yesterday saw the publication of Dearing et al (2014) Safe and Just Operating Spaces for Regional Social-Ecological Systems in the journal Global Environmental Change.
The paper takes the idea of defining ecological limits in terms of complex system behaviour and links it to social needs in poor, rural environments.
Posted 22/08/2014 11:08
There's a new research blog launched this week by John Dearing called Eyes on The Storm. It provides comments and research summaries about how we should deal with emerging 'Perfect Storm' type problems in world agriculture and resource management.
Posted 17/07/2014 08:24
We welcome Chinese readers to a Mandarin version of the website - launched on June 16th 2014.
Posted 23/06/2014 11:41
The next workshop for a 'Toolbox for Early Warning Signals for Lake Systems' is June 19th at the University of Southampton 12.00-17.00. Contact James Dyke jd4@ecs.soton.ac.uk for more details.
Posted 11/06/2014 14:58